Motion Tracking Text in Adobe After Effects, the COMPLETE CLASS
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Motion tracking text, one of the first things I learned as a filmmaker. With motion tracking you can track the movement of a certain object and add that data to another object. In this case, text.
In this class, you will learn how to do motion tracking in After Effects in 3 different ways.
1. Motion Tracking the position
2. Motion tracking the position and scale
3. 3D camera motion tracking
You will not only learn how to pull off the effect. But you will also learn the theory behind it. Because of that you know exactly when and how you use motion tracking in your videos.
This is an effect you will love to use now and then in your videos without spending hours every time to apply it.
After watching this class I guarantee you can do motion tracking yourself and you will understand how and when you can pull off this effect. Also you will fall in love with using it in different ways to give some extra details to your videos.
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