Home / After Effects / Realtor 15950050 After Effects Template

Realtor 15950050 After Effects Template

Realtor 15950050 After Effects Template

Realtor 15950050 After Effects Template
After Effects Version: CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Files Include: After Effects Project Files
Length 1:54, 1:41 | Resolution: 2048×1152 | File Size: 81.7MB
Media Placeholders: 16 | Text Placeholders: 12

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Realtor 15950050 After Effects Template
Realtor is an After Effects template for realtors and real estate agencies. It can be used to promote your services or showcase your for-sale properties in an elegant and professional manner. Realtor comes in 2 versions: Reasons and Property Teaser.

In Reasons, the video guides you through the 10 most important reasons why anyone should hire a realtor to sell their house. I put these together after an admittedly interesting research on the subject, but you can easily edit the copy to make it more relevant or precise. Each reason is beautifully visualized in two parts, one being the (realtor’s) feature and the second being the (client’s) benefit. This results in a playful interplay between scenes that is evident throughout the entire sequence.

In Property Teaser, the viewer takes a small tour of the property through a series of print inspired layouts. Large type, bold photography and floor plan inspired design elements dominate the first part of the sequence, while on the second part, a variety of well orchestrated scenes give an overview of the property’s details and features.

The project is compatible with After Effects CS5.0 or higher. No plugins were used.

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About mrs vicky

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