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Videohive Modern Titles 16271116 Free

Videohive Modern Titles 16271116 Free After Effects Project
CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No Plugins | Resizable | 38 Mb

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Modern Titles has 30 Unique Titles & Lower Thirds in 4K with modern minimalist design & fluid animations/transitions for your video project.
Compatibility Guarantee
Fully compatible with any Adobe CS5 project, Modern Titles features a modular structure that is easy to use, update and edit for your next video project. Featuring a stunning modern san-serif font ‘Raleway’, Modern Titles gives your project the finishing touch you have been looking for.

Minimalist Design
All transitions and titles have complete in and out animations for a modern feel while maintaining a minimalist design that compliments rather than intrudes on your content.

Complete Control
Perfect for Business and Corporate video work Modern Titles has an emphatic yet simple colour palette that helps create that slick feel while also giving you complete control over the final colour outputs.

Resize Any Element
Everything in the project file included is fully resizable and easy to understand with a modular structure that requires no additional plugins so you will be customising and rendering your new titles and lower thirds in no time.

Dare to be Bold
Make a bold statement with a creative set of professionally designed and constructed After Effects titles & lower thirds with some kinetic typography that will take your video work to the next level.

No Stone Left Unturned
With Modern Titles everything has been thoroughly thought through, it comes complete with a highly detailed tutorial which is complimented by a Video tutorial should you need any help with your project.

The font used for Modern Titles is called “Raleway” and can be downloaded free for commercial use here.

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About Lion H

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