Whiteboard Alternative Ideas After Effect Template 5874955
After Effects Version: CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
Resolution: Resizable | File Size: 892MB
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Do you offer a great service, you have an app or product that’s very useful, don’t forget to promote it with this new Exciting After Effects CS4 and above project – “Whiteboard Alternative Ideas” Let to market your product or service with this stop-motion inspired whiteboard animation. Remember, with creativity you can achieve a lot.
Includes 3 Render Comps size – 1920×1080, 1280×720, 720×480
4 STORY – Ready To Render Compositions PREPARED
PRINT SIZE Premium Quality Illustrations 300dpi)
Great Scenes Control. You can adjust the duration of each scene and also Position/Zoom of the Camera
Placeholder Duplicates: Plenty of Text&Media Placeholders already prepared for! Just Drag and drop into Your Composition
Video Tutorial will give You Quick and Easy Customization Guide. (Link on the Youtube)
No plug-in needed
Sound FX Included
Fast render (Less then 24 min for 2.50 min Long Video Presentation on I7 & 16GB RAM)
After Effects CS4 and Above
10 placeholders for images or videos prepared (But You can Extend the number to unlimited)
Universal Expression was used (works for all language versions of After Effects)
Duration – Composition 1: 02:45 minutes. Composition 2: 02:08 minutes.
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